MESA WD Binaries Labs

site to host the MESA Down Under 2024 Labs

This is a website that hosts the labs for the Friday section of the MESA Down Under 2024 workshop. These labs focus on accreting white dwarf (WD) binaries.

Lecturer: Sunny Wong

TAs: Courtney Crawford, Tryston Raecke

Important Note: The MESA documentation links throughout this lab will point to version r24.03.1 as there is going to be a new MESA revision shortly after the workshop begins. If you are looking at this documentation in the future, you will want to make sure you navigate to the latest version of the MESA documentation instead of this specific version.

Links to the lab pages

Link to Lab 1
Link to Lab 2
Link to Lab 3

A bonus lab if you’re interested in DWD mergers or RCB stars: